As SEG 100 Session Chairs, you are the public face of the conference and have a hugely important role to play. We truly appreciate your dedication to the conference and its international success.
Whether you are attending the conference virtually or in-person, this letter contains important information you will need to know well prior to your session.
Roles and responsibilities
Given the hybrid conference format, chairs will have one of three roles and responsibilities:
- Chair 1: Responsible for speaker introductions, time management, and segue into Q&A. This role can be held whether you are attending virtually or in-person.
- Chair 2: Responsible for tracking and reviewing, prioritizing, and reading questions to speakers from the virtual Q&A chat box. This role can be held whether you are attending virtually or in-person, but will regardless require you to track Q&A on the virtual platform.
- Backup Chair: To act as either Chair 1 or Chair 2 as needed, in case of absence or technical difficulties. This role can be held whether you are attending virtually or in-person.
Sessions and Session Chairs
Instructions for Session Chairs attending virtually
- Enter the SEG 100 Conference on Hubilo (a link and login code will be provided via email from "SEG 100 Conference")
- Your status as a Session Chair is already built into the Hubilo platform, which will give you "speaker access" to your designated session(s). Navigate to your session under the "Agenda" tab.
- Enter your session 20-30 minutes before the start time by clicking on "Enter Session as Speaker." This will take you to a Zoom meeting where you will meet and greet with your co-chair and speakers in advance of the session.
- The Hubilo Admin host will be in the Zoom meeting for technical support as required and will activate the livestream at the session start time.
- Chair the session! (See guidelines below)
- For any additional technical support, contact "Tech Support" under the Speaker tab in Hubilo.
- Note that conference attendees will see the session content with an approximate 20-30s delay.
- If you are a Back-up Session Chair, enter into the session 20-30 minutes before the start time as you would if you were Chair 1 or Chair 2. If both Chairs 1 and 2 are present and have the session under control, you may leave the session.
- If you missed the September 1 Hubilo training and would like to learn more about what to expect from the platform, please view the recording.
Instructions for Session Chairs attending in person
- Arrive at your session room in the Whistler Conference Centre 20-30 minutes prior to the session start time and check in with the AV technicians or Sea to Sky staff at the tech desk. Further details will be provided then.
- If you are a Backup Session Chair attending in person, please arrive at your session room 20-30 minutes prior to the session start time and remain in case called upon. Please have access to a laptop so you can sign into the Hubilo platform and track the virtual Q&A as required.
Session guidelines
The following guidelines are to help ensure your session goes smoothly. Make sure to personalize and have fun!
Before your session, come prepared with speaker bios, titles, and affiliations. This information is available on the conference website and will also be available on speaker profiles within the Hubilo platform for invited speakers. In advance of the conference, we will send you a list that describes which talks will be delivered live-virtual, live in-person, or pre-recorded.
Introductions (Chair 1)
- Welcome and Territory Acknowledgment (see below)
- Thanks to the session sponsor (see table above)
- Give very brief introductory words about the significance of the technical theme. This is best done only at the outset of the first session of the day and can be extremely brief or omitted for subsequent sessions that day. (1 min. max)
- Remind attendees to insert any questions for speaker in the Q&A box. Let the audience know that all questions will be reserved until after the final talk of the session.
- Give short (~30-45s) intros for keynote speakers: NAME, BIO, AFFILIATION, TITLE
- Give very short (max 30s) for invited speakers: NAME, ABBREVIATED BIO, AFFILIATION, TITLE
- Give very brief (~15s) intro for general speakers: NAME, TITLE
- After each talk, transition quickly to the next talk.
Time-Keeping (Chair 1)
- The Hubilo Admin host on the Zoom call will activate the livestream at the designated session start time. Until that time, Session Chairs and speakers are essentially backstage waiting for the session to start.
- Monitor time carefully and be prepared to cut off speakers going beyond the 14-minute mark (or 29 minutes for keynote speakers). This will be done via coloured warning cards for in-person speakers, and via verbal queues for live-virtual speakers (e.g., at the 1-minute-left mark).
- If a talk happens to go significantly under-time and there is a gap of a few minutes in the schedule to fill, feel free to insert a brief question, engage in discussion, etc. However, please do not start talks before their scheduled time.
- If in the event a live speaker does not show up, you have the option to fill this time with dynamic Q&A with previous speakers, or alternatively insert a pause in the session. Do NOT start subsequent talks early, as attendees will expect talks to start at their advertised start times.
Question and Answer (Chair 1 and Chair 2)
- Each regular technical session concludes with a 15-minute Q&A session. This Q&A is also a buffer in case talks run slightly overtime (which we highly discourage!). Please do not let the Q&A run past the allotted time.
- During the sessions, Chair 2 will monitor the Q&A chat box on Hubilo and should prioritize a subset of these for the Q&A period.
- After the final talk of the session, Chair 1 should provide a brief segue to the Q&A session and ask attendees to stick around. All speakers have received instructions to be available for this 15-minute block of time.
- Chair 2 will ask questions to speakers on behalf of the virtual audience. In-person participants will use the SEG 100 app on their phones to ask questions virtually.
- Chairs 1 and 2 should be prepared to ask their own questions to generate interesting discussion among the speakers, as time permits.
Conclusions (Chair 1 and/or 2, as agreed)
- Give a warm thank you all speakers and the session sponsor.
- Encourage the audience to continue discussions in “The Scale Bar” if they choose (this virtual pub feature will become obvious once the conference starts!).
- Encourage attendees to stretch their legs and take an actual break!
- Let the audience know what to expect next in the program (e.g., start time for next session, MASH Zone, etc.).
Territory Acknowledgment
- For Session Chairs presenting from Whistler, please give the following important Territorial Acknowledgment: "We would like to begin by acknowledging that the Resort Municipality of Whistler and the Sea to Sky Corridor is located on the unceded, shared, traditional territories of the Squamish Nation and Lil’wat Nation. We honor both of their languages, cultures and histories."
- For Session Chairs presenting from a different location, you are encouraged to include a Territorial Acknowledgment tailored to local Indigenous nations. For example, if presenting from Vancouver: "We would like to begin by acknowledging that we are on the unceded territories of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh Nations. We honor their languages, cultures, and histories."