
Mountain biker riding towards you through misty trees on a technical trail


Exhibiting at SEG 100 will provide the opportunity to showcase your products and services to a large and diverse group of decision-makers and users from across the world. We offer an inclusive, global setting for SEG's first hybrid annual conference — and the once-in-a-lifetime celebration of our 100th Anniversary. Technical sessions will showcase the new science and thinking that will benefit society in the future, framed by the understanding of the scientific accomplishments in economic geology and mineral discoveries over the last 100 years.

View our exhibitors

Booth specifications and exhibitor benefits

Virtual booth (US$1,900)

  • Areas for resources, links, videos, images, and a 1:1 chat or video feature.
  • Ability to hold meetings of up to four people at a private lounge table.
  • Two Full Virtual Conference passes for company personnel.
  • Additional Full Virtual Conference passes (limit of two) at US$200 each.
  • Real-time analytics including who is currently at the booth, a history of all visitors, categorizing of attendees by their level of interest, and viewing of scheduled meetings.
  • Booths will be visible on the conference platform from September 6 to September 24.
  • Physical booth upgrade (see below)

Physical booth upgrade (US$1,000)

  • All benefits of a virtual booth (above) plus:
  • Physical booth at the Whistler Conference Centre
  • 8' x 10' exhibit booth, pipe, and drape
  • One table (6' x 2') and two chairs
  • Electrical outlet
  • Free WiFi
  • Option to upgrade the two Full Virtual Conference passes to Full In-Person Conference passes for company personnel

To reserve a booth space at SEG 100, please complete and submit a registration form. Contact the conference organizer at seg100@seatoskymeetings.com with any questions.

Registration Form

Exhibition area - virtual

Combined exhibit hall and virtual booth example:

Hubilo platform example

Exhibition area - in-person

Upper level

Exhibitor Floor Plan

Lower level

Exhibitor Floor Plan

Opening ceremony

Sea to Sky Ballroom A

Technical sessions (plenary)

Sea to Sky Ballroom A

Technical sessions (concurrent)

Sea to Sky Ballroom A

Rainbow Theatre


Sea to Sky Ballroom B, C

Virtual participation room

Garibaldi A, B

SEG 100 Exhibitors