General Guidelines for All Committees

Society of Economic Geologists (SEG) committees serve under provisions of the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and their amendments, which are published from time-to-time on the SEG website and in the SEG Membership Directory. The organization of each standing committee and its functions are specified in the Bylaws of the Society.

Committee members should become familiar with these documents and follow them when performing their respective committee functions.


Items regarding Society management and administrative policy should be directed to the Executive Committee for review and consideration prior to presentation to the Council. Two or more Committees may have similar items of mutual interest for submittal to the Executive Committee and/or the Council. If so, the respective committee chairs are responsible for coordinating such matters and for unifying any request or proposal prior to its presentation.

At committee meetings, or when addressing any issue requiring a committee vote, the majority of the full-voting members of a committee constitute a quorum. If a committee member is unable to complete the specified term of committee membership or is not contributing to the committee's functions, the committee chair shall notify the President of the Society and recommend that a replacement be appointed.

Chair Responsibilities

It is the committee chair's responsibility to welcome and introduce new committee members, to provide new members with background information on committee activities, to consult with preceding chairs regarding ongoing and pending committee matters, and to solicit advice and recommendations from all committee members on a regular basis. Transfer of files from the outgoing to the incoming chair should be expedited by both parties, with the outgoing chair assuming principal responsibility for the transfer. A committee chair serves as an organizer, motivator and arbitrator to assure that the committee operates in an effective manner. The chair also maintains communications with Society officers and members of the Council as appropriate.

Committee chairs are to submit to the Executive Director, at least thirty (30) days prior to each Council meeting, a summary report in the form of a memorandum, not exceeding two pages in length, covering the major accomplishments and activities of their respective committees. Action items should be clearly identified and concisely presented. Appropriate supporting documentation may be submitted as an attachment to the memorandum. Prior to the Council meeting, the Executive Director will submit the summary reports to members of the Council. Action items will be included on the agenda for the Council meeting.

Funding Requests

Committee requests for financial support of a project or other activity should be submitted in writing to the Executive Director. Such requests usually accompany the summary report of the committee. Requests for program-related funds should be submitted directly to the Chair of the Program Committee, with a copy to the Executive Director. Funding requests must be submitted at least thirty (30) days prior to a regularly scheduled Council meeting, but may be submitted to the Executive Director for Executive Committee consideration at other times during the year. The Council, or the Executive Committee acting in lieu of the Council, may approve a request as it is submitted, or revise it prior to its approval. When a decision regarding a funding request is reached, the committee chair who submitted the request is advised and then, in turn, notifies the affected parties.