Student Affairs Committee Guidelines

The Student Affairs Committee shall be responsible for relations between the Society and students, including establishment and operation of student chapters, and shall advise the Council on ways and means to encourage student involvement in Society affairs.


The Committee consists of six members, including a Chair, two to be nominated each year. Committee members will serve for three-year terms. Committee membership consists of individuals having strong interests in student affairs and their relationships to Society activities. If, for any reason, a member or the Chair of the Committee cannot complete a term, a replacement is designated by the President to serve until a successor is nominated by the next Committee on Committees and proposed by the President-Elect of the Society of Economic Geologists.


The Student Affairs Committee functions include, but are not limited to, activities to encourage the establishment of student chapters, to provide guidance to student chapters, and to serve as liaison between the Society and student chapters. All Committee members should become familiar with the Student Chapter Bylaws and Operations Guide. The Committee reports to the Council on the status of student chapters and student chapter activities, and recommends programs and ways and means of providing assistance to student chapters and to encourage the professional growth of student members. The majority of Committee communications can be conducted by email, fax, telephone, or mail. Formal Committee meetings may be scheduled in connection with a major Society meeting. In such instances, the SEG Executive Director should be notified at least six weeks in advance to assist with necessary arrangements.

Specific Functions of The Chair

The Chair of the Student Affairs Committee is responsible for organizing, motivating, and guiding the Committee toward achieving its goals; for submitting periodic reports of committee activities to the Council; and for discharging the responsibilities defined in the General Guidelines for All Committees.

Relationship to the SEG Council, Other SEG Committees, and Outside Organizations

In addition to submitting periodic status reports to the Council and providing recommendations for actions regarding student affairs, the Student Affairs Committee should communicate with other SEG committees, especially the Program Committee and the VP Regional Affairs Committee, regarding Student Affairs programs. The committee should monitor student programs of other professional scientific organizations for possible synergies or ideas suitable for the SEG student program.

Critical Dates and Schedule

In accordance with the General Guidelines for All Committees, Committee reports to the Council should be submitted to the SEG Executive Director at least thirty (30) days prior to scheduled Council meetings.