Operations Guidelines for Student Chapters

For questions and situations not covered in this guide, contact students@segweb.org.

Establish/Reactivate Chapter

Affiliation with SEG

Students desiring to form a new, or reactivate a dormant, SEG Student Chapter must adopt and agree to abide by the Student Chapter Bylaws, and submit a request for such affiliation to the Chair of the SEG Student Affairs Committee (SAC) for review and endorsement. Upon endorsement, the request is forwarded to the SEG Executive Director for review and approval by the SEG Council/Executive Committee.


  • The opportunity to participate in chapter activities, including field trips, seminars, and other activities organized by the student chapter, typically with financial assistance provided by SEG. Commonly these events are attended by professional economic geologists from industry, government and other academic institutions.
  • Through its activities, direct access to the economic geology community at large for its members who as individuals might not otherwise have such opportunities.
  • Develop leadership and management skills through participation in chapter activities.

Society Membership Requirements

Any student in good standing and studying one of the earth sciences is eligible for membership in the SEG Student Chapter at that institution. Students holding a position on the chapter's Executive Committee must be an active SEG Student Member during their time in office. Society membership is not a requirement for general chapter membership, but is encouraged. SEG Student Member benefits.


Operations of an SEG Student Chapter are under the direction of the chapter's Executive Committee which consists of the four elected officers—president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer—and  chapter sponsors. Committees necessary to implement chapter activities may be appointed by the chapter president.

Meetings should be held at least monthly during the academic year. Business may be transacted at these meetings provided a quorum is present. The vitality of a chapter is generally proportional to the quality of its programs. Student programs may be drawn from many sources, including local faculty, graduate students, and representatives from industry, government agencies, and other academic institutions. Chapters have commonly participated in joint programs of mutual interest with other geologic organizations, and have sponsored special seminars, symposia and field conferences.

Chapters are required to submit both an Annual Report and Student Chapter Membership Information form by September 30 of each year. Failure to do so could compromise eligibility for chapter funding support and active status.

Annual Report Form   Membership Information Form

As SEG is a non-profit organization, registered as a 501-(c)(3) organization under the code of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, SEG student chapters are prohibited from engaging in any activities where "profits" or surplus proceeds are distributed to officers, shareholders, partners, individuals or others, rather than to the organization for future use for scientific or educational purposes.

Annual dues for chapter membership may be set, providing that the amount of any such dues shall be approved by a majority of chapter members.

Faculty Sponsor/Advisor

Continuity of a Student Chapter depends on having an active Faculty Sponsor/Advisor, who must be an SEG Fellow, and who provides advice and guidance to the Student Chapter. The Faculty Sponsor/Advisor assures that the Student Chapter functions within the parameters of the SEG Constitution and the SEG Bylaws, and provides a repository for the Chapter's records and funds at times when the host institution is not in session.

Local SEG Sponsor/Advisor

The Student Chapter will propose an SEG Fellow not affiliated with the Student Chapter's institution to act as a Local Sponsor/Advisor. This Sponsor/Advisor will work with the Faculty Sponsor/Advisor to assure that the operations of the Student Chapter conform with established SEG policies and standards. If the nearest SEG Fellow not affiliated with the institution is too distant to provide support to the Chapter, this requirement may be waived, upon request, to the Student Affairs and SEG Executive Committees.
