Organizing Committee
The success of a society conference depends on a strong partnership between volunteers, conference organizers, and staff. Members of the committee are a dedicated and energetic group of mostly volunteers who represent the makeup of the Society in terms of industry, academia, government, and non-profit organizations. SEG thanks these individuals and their respective organizations for their commitment to planning this important event.
Anna Nguno
Geoscience Council of Namibia
Conference Chair
Laurence Robb
Oxford University
Conference Chair
Jenn Craig
Society of Economic Geologists
SEG Executive Director
Gabi Schneider
Namibian Uranium Institute
Advisory, Logistics
Judith Kinnaird
University of the Witwatersrand
Technical Program
Ester Shalimba
University of Namibia
Technical Program
Claudia Mutongolume
Geological Survey of Namibia
Poster Program
Richard Manyanga
Navachab Gold Mine
Poster Program
Halleluya Ekandjo
iCRAG at University College Dublin, Ireland
Early Career Program
Absai Vatuva
University of Namibia
Early Career Program
Mary Barton
Independent Consulting Geologist
Samuel Nengola
Geological Survey of Namibia
Roger Swart
BlackGold Geosciences cc
Field Trips
Robert Kaemba
Field Trips
Patrick Redmond
Field Trips
Kaarina Ndalulilwa
KoBold Metals Namibia
Social Program
Stephen Frindt
Sponsorship and Exhibitors
Vilho Shafombabi
Navachab Gold Mine
Sponsorship and Exhibitors
Inge Mbidi
Geological Survey of Namibia
Marketing and Media
Josephine Uushona
Geological Survey of Namibia
Marketing and Media
SEG Staff
Deanne Rider
Society of Economic Geologists
Conference Lead
Duncan (Nathaniel) Proctor
Society of Economic Geologists
Field Trip and Workshop Coordinator
Jeff Doyle
Society of Economic Geologists
Website and Registration Manager
Kaitee Lutes
Society of Economic Geologists
Early Career Coordinator, Awards Ceremony Coordinator
Myra Holmes
Society of Economic Geologists
Publications Editor
Morgan Roy
Society of Economic Geologists
Abstracts Manager
SEG 2024 Advisory Panel
Chico de Azevedo
Turmalina Metals
Advisory Panel
Branko Corner
Corner Geophysics Namibia
Advisory Panel
Bob Foster
Bob Foster and Associates Limited
Advisory Panel, Past Conference Chair
Anne Thompson
Petrascience Consultants Inc
Advisory Panel