Field Trips

All field trips are in person. While trip itineraries have been finalized, the exact date/times of specific offerings during the trip may be subject to change.

Please review this material carefully. As you make decisions about which events you plan to register for, be sure that times and dates do not conflict.

Pre-Conference Field Trips

Diamond Excursion – A Visit to the Namibian Diamond Mega-Placer

September 19-25, 2024


REE Deposits of Northern Namibia

September 21-26, 2024

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Base Metal Deposits of Southern Namibia

September 21-26, 2024

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A Transect Through Gold Deposits and Prospects of the Damara Belt, Namibia

September 21-26, 2024

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Zimbabwe - Lithium

September 21-26, 2024

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Zambia - Classic Copperbelt

September 22-26, 2024

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Post-Conference Field Trips

The Iron Oxide Copper Gold (IOCG) Vein System of the Onganja Mine, Windhoek District

October 1, 2024

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Zimbabwe - Great Dyke

October 1-6, 2024

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Uranium, Pegmatites, and Critical Raw Materials in Namibia

October 1-7, 2024

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Zambian Copperbelt - Domes Region

October 2-6, 2024

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