Webinar Details

SEG Student Chapter Earth Day Symposium

Communication: Cultivating the Next Geo-Generation

Hosted by: The University of British Columbia and University of Zambia Student Chapters

Date: April 25, 2024

Time: 9:00am - 10:30amPST (UTC-7)

Location: Online using Zoom


The annual SEG Student Chapter Earth Day Symposium is a free virtual event organized each year by a different SEG Student Chapter. It brings together professionals and SEG Student Members to reflect on the challenges, opportunities, and roles of both students and early career professionals in a world that is experiencing rapid changes and unprecedented challenges.

This year's symposium, jointly hosted by the UBC-SEG and UNZA-SEG Student Chapters, will center around the theme Communication: Cultivating the Next Geo-Generation. Themes and discussions will focus on how the minerals industry can improve on communicating the importance and value of mineral exploration and resource extraction to its various stakeholders, including the general public and the broader geosciences community. This symposium will highlight the critical role that students, early career professionals, and seasoned geologists play in shaping the public perception of mining and exploration, and how that role must continue to evolve in order for the minerals industry to succeed.

This virtual event will feature a variety of world-class presentations from leaders in geoscience communication, academia, and industry. This includes a keynote presentation by geoscientist and science communicator Christopher Jackson, as well as a panel discussion from geo-communicators Cate Larsen, Taija Torvella, and Amanda McCallum.

Students are particularly encouraged to attend, as they will gain insight into how scientists communicate with the public, particularly in the context of the green energy transition. The webinar will also provide insight into SEG Student Member opportunities such as funding and professional development. The winners of the SEG 2024 Student Chapter Podcast Competition will also be announced, showcasing the student's incredible work to a global audience.

Any questions regarding the event can be sent to ubcseg@gmail.com. We look forward to your attendance!

Introduction and Keynote (30 minutes)

Time Speaker Topic
9:00am - 9:05am Maxwell Porter Introduction
9:05am - 9:10am Steve Piercey Importance of student chapters and SEG's role in geoscience communication
9:10am - 9:30am Chris Jackson Keynote – A Journey in (Geo) Science Communication

Panel Discussion (30 minutes)

Time Speaker Topic
9:30am - 10:00am Chris Jackson, Taija Torvella, Cate Larsen, and Amanda McCallum Leaders in geo-communication (moderator: Maxwell Porter)

SEG Student Opportunities (20 minutes)

Time Speaker Topic
10:00am - 10:05am David Cooke New role as Editor of Economic Geology, communication in geoscience and publishing advice for students
10:05am - 10:15am Chanda Katotobwe and Liseli Kunda SEG student funding opportunities and student chapter field trip highlights
10:15am - 10:25am Anne Thompson and Maxwell Porter SEG Student Chapter Podcast Competition awards ceremony

Concluding Remarks (10 minutes)

Time Speaker Topic
10:25am - 10:30am Anne Thompson Closing remarks
10:30am Maxwell Porter Closing

Keynote Speaker


Christopher Jackson

Director of Sustainable Geoscience, Jacobs

Talk Title: A Journey in (Geo) Science Communication


Speakers and Panelists


Stephen Piercey

2024 SEG President



Taija Torvela

University of Leeds



Cate Larsen

Geologize Ltd



Amanda McCallum

Ignite Education Inc



David Cooke




Chanda Katotobwe

University of Zambia Student Chapter



Liseli Kunda

University of Zambia



Anne Thompson



Panel Moderator


Maxwell Porter

Chair of SEG Students Committee



Registration for this event has closed.

4/25/2024 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM