SEG Canada Foundation (SEGCF)

The Society of Economic Geologists Canada Foundation (SEGCF) was established in 2000 to promote and raise funds for the science of economic geology by funding education, research, publications, student support, public outreach and other geoscientific programs. This is accomplished by seeking donations from Canadian individuals and corporations, who receive tax receipts for their contributions. The fund then supports innovative research and education in economic geology, currently with an emphasis on supporting Canadian students, research on Canadian projects and/or studies at Canadian institutions.

The SEGCF is modeled on the SEG Foundation (SEGF), which, since it was founded in 1966, has provided about US$6 million in support of SEG's worldwide programs for student research and educational activities in economic geology.

SEGCF Governance SEGCF Bylaws 2023 Annual Report

2023 Corporate Sponsors


The goal of SEGCF is to raise sufficient funds to finance meaningful programs of research grants in economic geology. In an era when governments are cutting back on funding for such research, individuals and corporations can direct their charitable contributions to the SEGCF and be assured that their contributions will directly support undergraduate and graduate students engaged in cutting edge research in economic geology and thereby further their development as skilled economic geology and minerals exploration professionals. We want to ensure that we attract the "best and the brightest" students into economic geology. As the fund grows, we hope to continue to increase the level of support for student research and to undertake a broader array of research and educational activities, such as field trips, short courses and symposia organized by SEG Student Chapters, and other innovative projects that support education and research in economic geology.

What the Grants Support

Since its inception, the SEGCF has raised approximately $2.5 million in donations from individuals and corporations. Of that amount, $1,556,115 has been awarded to support undergraduate and graduate student thesis research in economic geology and $176,000 has funded a DVD, produced by the SEG and dedicated to the memory of Hugo Dummett that contains a fully searchable archive of the entire first 100 years of papers published in the journal, Economic Geology. The Foundation has also supported the activities of SEG Student Chapters at Canadian universities.

View the award recipients.

SEG Student Research Grants (SRG)

The Canada Foundation (SEGCF) Student Grant program supports graduate student thesis research, leading to masters or doctoral degrees in Economic Geology. The funds are typically directed towards field expenses or analytical work related to the thesis project. Priority is given to Canadian students or students studying at Canadian universities or with Canadian thesis topics; the program also supports international students and projects. In 2023, 12 grants were awarded for a total of ~$66,500 in awards.

Apply for an SRG

SEGF Graduate Student Fellowship (GSF) Program

Students who have been accepted into a graduate program leading to a Masters or Doctoral program at a recognized university are eligible to apply for SEGF Graduate Student Fellowships. Fellowships provide general support for qualifying students during the current year of studies. In 2023, five Fellowships have been awarded for a total of $40,000 in awards.

Apply for a GSF

SEGCF Undergraduate Scholarships

This year, the SEGCF is awarding up to twelve $1,000 scholarships to support field or laboratory work related to a senior thesis in economic geology. To be eligible, a student must be either entering or in their fourth year of study at a recognized Canadian university. Preference will be given to those applicants who are SEG Student Members. The deadline for application is September 30, 2024. For more information, please e-mail

Apply for a Scholarship

Your Support is Needed

The SEGCF needs your financial support to thrive and accomplish its goals. We can also use your ideas and volunteer efforts. To participate, please contact Kirstie Simpson, Fundraising and Administrative Manager, at Alternatively, contact any of the Foundation Directors. We look forward to hearing from you!

Ways to Contribute


Visit and look for the SEG Canada Foundation fund.

Electronic Funds Transfer

Please email for details.


Made payable to SEG Canada Foundation and mailed to:

SEG Canada Foundation
P.O. Box 48113
595 Burrard Street, Bentall Centre
Vancouver, BC V7X 1N8

Donate Listed Securities

Must indicate that the shares are a donation and mailed to:

Account Number:  025-4239-7
Account Name:  Society of Economic Geologists Canada Foundation
Broker Firm:  PI Financial Corporation, 2500 - 733 Seymour Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6B 0S6
Brokers:  Bill Whitehead / Justin Hayek
Telephone:  +1 (604) 664-2909 or +1 (800) 291-1244

Historical Summary of SEGCF Student Awards

Year Grants Fellowships Scholarships Totals
2002 $13,000 -- -- $13,000
2003 $12,500 -- -- $12,500
2004 $12,500 -- -- $12,500
2005 $14,400 -- -- $14,400
2006 $15,500 -- -- $15,500
2007 $33,500 -- -- $33,500
2008 $36,950 -- -- $36,950
2009 $34,500 -- -- $34,500
2010 $32,000 -- -- $32,000
2011 $49,500 $20,000 -- $69,500
2012 $67,950 $30,000 $10,000 $107,950
2013 $69,300 $30,000 $15,000 $114,300
2014 $68,000 $30,000 $25,000 $123,000
2015 $79,680 $30,000 $12,000 $121,680
2016 $68,390 $30,000 $12,000 $110,390
2017 $69,546 $30,000 $12,000 $111,546
2018 $70,200 $40,000 $12,000 $122,200
2019 $70,740 $40,000 $12,000 $122,740
2020 $65,283 $40,000 $7,000 $112,283
2021 $70,283 $40,000 $12,000 $122,283
2022 $65,393 $40,000 $8,000 $113,393
2023 $65,701 $40,000 $8,000 $113,701
Totals $1,084,816 $400,000 $145,000 $1,669,816