2024 |
Moira T. Smith |
- Carlin-Type Gold Deposits in the Shelf Environment
- Life After University: Take Charge of Your Future
- Black Pine Gold Project, Idaho: Geology, Exploration Challenges and Opportunitie
2023 |
Kathy Ehrig |
- Geometallurgy—Mineralogy Always Matters
- Geology of the Olympic Dam IOCG-U Deposit
- 30 Years in the Mining Industry—Reflections on My Career
2022 |
Keiko Hattori |
- Mantle-Derived Mafic Contributions to Ore Deposits: Porphyry, Epithermal, and VHMS
- Use of Zircons in Mineral Exploration: Opportunities and Cautionary Notes
- Tectonic Setting and Igneous Rocks Associated with High-Grade Epithermal Gold Deposits
2021 |
Ross Sherlock |
- Metallogeny of the Superior Province: Insights into the Formation of World-Class Gold Deposits
- Crustal Architecture of the Larder Lake Area; Controls on Gold Mineralization along the Cadillac Larder Lake Deformation Zone
- Gold Endowment of the Superior Craton: Mapping Fertile Fault Systems
2020 |
Zhaoshan Chang |
- Skarns: Zoning Patterns and Controlling Factors
- Lithocaps: Characteristics and Exploration
- Metal Transportation for High-Sulfidation Epithermal Deposits: A New Model
- Mineral Geochemistry and Its Application in Exploration
2019 |
Yasushi Watanabe |
- Tectonic Control on Porphyry Cu and Epithermal Au Mineralization.
- Role of Potassic Alteration for Porphyry Cu Mineralization.
- Rare Earth Deposits and Mineralization.
- Critical Metals for the Future.
2018 |
Alan J. Wilson |
- The Cadia Porphyry District, NSW, Australia; Evolution of an Alkalic Giant.
- Comparative Anatomies: Calc-alkaline vs. Alkalic Porphyry Deposits.
- Porphyry Copper Deposits: Field criteria for Exploration and Resource Potential Evaluation.
- Life as an Exploration Geologist: What you need to know!
2017 |
Chusi Li |
- Magmatic Sulfide Deposits: China Versus the World
- Key Features of Conduit-Style Magmatic Sulfide Deposits Worldwide
- Use and Misuse of Magma Series and Trace Element Discrimination Diagrams for Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks
- Distinguishing Mantle Plume-Related and Tectonics-Controlled Basaltic Magmatism: Examples from China
2016 |
Murray W. Hitzman |
- Geology of the central African copperbelt.
- Sedimentary rock-hosted stratiform copper systems.
- Unobtainium? The future of mining in the 21st century.
- Iron oxide copper-gold and kiruna-type magnetite-apatite deposits.
- A new genetic model for mineralization in the Irish Zn-Pb orefield.
2015 |
Andreas Audétat |
- The metal content of magmatic-hydrothermal fluids and their relation to mineralization potential.
- Vapor versus brine: Which fluid does the job?
- The genesis of climax-type porphyry Mo deposits: Insights from fluid and melt inclusions.
- Magmatic controls on porphyry Cu (±Au, Mo) formation.
2014 |
Paul Heithersay |
- South Australian IOCG mineral systems; recent discoveries and new insights in the Gawler Craton.
- Government mineral exploration incentives: A review of the Australian experience.
- Next generation mineral exploration targeting and drilling.
2013 |
Stephen J. Turner |
- The science and art of gold exploration: A +30 year journey around the world.
- Breccia-related gold mineralization: Yanacocha as an example.
- Discovery of the Mesel, Batu Hijau, and Elang deposits, Indonesia: Successful greenfields exploration.
- Lineament analysis: A historical perspective and critical review.
2012 |
Richard H. Sillitoe |
- Metallogeny of major gold deposits and belts in the North and South American Cordillera.
- Factors controlling major gold and copper concentrations at convergent margins.
- Supergene oxidized and enriched copper deposits: Products of the interplay between ore type, tectonics, and climate.
- Exploration and discovery of base- and precious-metal deposits in the circum-Pacific region—a 2010 perspective (1 hr, 20 min).
- World copper provinces.
2011 |
Mark D. Hannington |
- Sea-floor massive sulfide deposits: Toward an estimate of the global SMS potential.
- The metallogeny of modern submarine volcanic arcs and implications for ancient massive sulfide deposits and greenstone belts.
- Geology of the giant Kidd Creek massive sulfide deposit, Abitibi greenstone belt: 50 years of exploration and mining the world's deepest base metals deposit.
- The spectrum of ore-forming fluids in the VMS environment: Modern and ancient.
2010 |
Richard J. Goldfarb |
- Supercontinent history and global metallogeny.
- Orogenic gold deposits—geology, exploration criteria, and global patterns.
- The tectonic evolution of Asia and associated controls on gold resources.
- Accretionary orogenesis and timing of orogenic gold formation: Implications from the North American Cordillera.
2009 |
Graham Begg |
- Tectonics, Plumes, Supercontinents, and Ore Systems: The Energy Link. This talk has a planet-scale view and is suitable for all.
- The Lithosphere, Geodynamics, and Metallogeny. Embraces the latest concepts relating to the architecture, composition, age and history of the lithospheric mantle and its role in the of the genesis of ore deposits. Suitable for undergraduates through experienced geoscientists.
- Connecting Geodynamics with Copper and Gold Ore Systems. Explores the interplay between the dynamics of arc systems, magmatism, and the development of gold and copper ore systems. Suitable for undergraduates through experienced geoscientists.
- Genesis of the Emperor Epithermal Gold Deposit, Fiji. Covers plate tectonic, magmatic, and fluid dynamic controls on the genesis of a giant 10Moz deposit. Suitable for undergraduates through experienced geoscientists.
2008 |
William X. Chávez, Jr. |
- Research Lecture: "Weathering-Related Metals Mobility: Geochemical Controls on the Intensity and Maturity of Development of Supergene Enrichment Profiles"
- Research Lecture: "Environmental Geochemistry: The Understanding of Supergene Processes Applied to the Remediation of Mine Environments"
- General Lecture: "Minerals Exploration and Supply: A Worldwide Perspective"
2007 |
M. Steven Enders |
- The role of bacteria in the supergene environment of the Morenci porphyry copper deposit - the rest of the story.
- Bridging the gaps in exploration & mining opportunities for research and development across the life cycle of an ore deposit.
- Greenfield exploration: integrating science, human resources, and business principles - the Newmont story.
2005-2006 |
Douglas J. Kirwin |
- Hydrothermal breccias textures, processes and mineralization
- Overpressured volatiles and fluids in intrusion-hosted mineral deposits
- The discovery and exploration history of the giant Oyu Tolgoi porphyry copper-gold deposit
2004 |
Michael Doggett |
- Exploration in the Context of Mineral Supply: Focus on Copper
- Geologic and Economic Characteristics of Gold Supply: Focus on Canada
- Overcoming the Odds: Why Continue to Explore?
2003-2004 |
Jean S. Cline |
- The genesis of Carlin-type gold deposits current models and future research
- Upwelling hot water at a proposed nuclear waste repository; an economic geology approach to solve an environmental question
- Fluid inclusion petrography: an under-utilized tool in characterizing geologic environments
- Investigating Carlin-type gold systems past and present and lessons for the future
2002-2003 |
Jeremy Richards |
- Tectonomagmatic controls on porphyry and epithermal mineralization in the Central Andes
- Volcanic and hydrothermal features of the Argentine Puna (a photo tour)
- Alkalic-type epithermal gold deposits: Porgera as an example
- Sustainable development in the minerals industry: An achievable goal
2001-2002 |
David Leach |
- The new global view for Mississippi Valley-type deposits possible from age determinations
- Red Dog, Alaska, massive sulfide deposit
2001-2002 |
Stephen Walters |
2000-2001 |
J. David Lowell |
2000-2001 |
Constantino Mpodozis |
- Tectonic setting and structural controls of the gian Eocene-Oligocene porphyry copper deposits of northern Chile
- Late Cenozoic mineralization and crustal evolution in a thickening arc: the Maricunga and El Indio mineral belts in northern Chile
- Mesozoic tectonics of north-central Chile: rollback-subduction, oblique extension and mineralization in the early Andean arc
1999-2000 |
Mark D. Barton |
1999-2000 |
Christoph A. Heinrich |
- Technical development of laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry
1998-1999 |
Noel C. White |
- Epithermal deposits
- Convergent evolution and ore deposits
- Competitive advantage in the minerals industry: challengers and opportunities for industry, government and research
- Geoscience education, research and industry: a house divided
- Working in an international minerals exploration company
1998-1999 |
John M. Guilbert |
- New insights from recent research on porphyry copper systems: sources, settings and processes
- Bajo de la Alumbrera, Argentina: a case history of models application
- Exploration techniques for porphyry copper deposits in the 21st century
- Quantitative alteration mapping - observations, techniques and results
- Copper, Brass and Bronze - what are they, where do they come from, how do we find them
1997-1998 |
Antonio Arribas M. |
- Metallogeny and exploration significance of Mesozoic carbonate-hosted Zn/Pb deposits in northern Spain
- Present and future of the massive sulfide deposits of the Iberian Pyrite Belt
- Metalogenesis of the Almaden-type mercury deposits, Almaden, Spain, and its implications in mineral exploration
- La geologia, genesis y metaodos de exploraction de los yacimientos de oro-alunita tipo Rodalquilar, sureste de Espana
1996 |
Ulrich Petersen |
1995 |
Richard L. Stanton |
- Volcanic processes and massive sulfide formation
- Metamorphosed ores, regional metamorphic processes and the search for massive sulfides
1994 |
Marco T. Einaudi |
- Eight-km vertical cross section through the porphyry copper deposits of the Yerington District, Nevada
- Ag/Au ratios in time and space in the Bingham District, Utah
- High-sulfidation and low-sulfidation porphyry copper/skarn systems
1992-1993 |
John Gurney |
1991-1992 |
Bruce E. Taylor |
- Hydrogen isotope fractionation during magma degassing and the identity of magmatic water in hydrothermal systems
- Carbon isotope evidence for CO degassing systematics of Kileuea and implications for magmatic hydrothermal systems
- Primary and secondary fluids in Mesozoic mother lode type vein deposits in western North America - multiple solutions to a problem with many faults
1990-1991 |
David I. Groves |
1989 |
Stephen E. Kesler |
- Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) deposits and the evolution of the Appalachian Orogen
- Depositional mechanisms in Appalachian MVT deposits
- The role of magmatic fluids in ore deposition
- Acid-sulfate gold deposits
1988 |
Bernard Poty |
1987 |
Donald F. Sangster |
1986-1987 |
Michael J. Russell |
1985-1986 |
Brian J. Skinner |
1983-1984 |
Roy Woodall |
1982-1983 |
Charles Meyer |