2024 |
Sarah A.S. Dare |
- Processes that Control the Distribution of Platinum Group Elements (PGE) and Chalcophile Elements in Ni-Cu-PGE Deposits: Insights from Laser Ablation ICP-MS of Base Metal Sulfides
- Magnetite Chemistry as a Petrogenetic Indicator of Ore-Forming Processes and Applications to Mineral Exploration
- Apatite as Petrogenetic and Provenance Indicators of Magmatic Systems and Their Ore Deposits
- Magmatic Ore Deposits (Fe-Ti-V-P; Ni-Cu-Co) in Proterozoic Anorthosite Massifs
2023 |
Sally Goodman |
- The Mineral Systems Approach to Exploration—Have We Capitalized on Its Promise and Avoided Its Pitfalls?
- How to Find a Gold Deposit: Using Data Integration, Structural Architecture and Event Timing for Exploration Success
- Travels with a Hammer—Geological Lessons from a Life in the Field
2022 |
Hartwig E. Frimmel |
- Paleoclimate and Metallogeny
- Paleoplacer Deposits: Economic Significance and Outlook
- The Global Gold Cycle: How Did It Start?
- Witwatersrand: The Great Controversy on the Genesis of the World’s Richest Gold Province
2021 |
Julie Rowland |
- A Metal-Transfer Superhighway and the Golden Trigger: Rheological and Tectonic Controls on Late Cretaceous to Recent Precious Metal Mineralization in Aotearoa, New Zealand
- Hydrologic, Magmatic and Tectonic Controls on Hydrothermal Flow, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand: Implications for the Formation of Epithermal Vein Deposits
- Faults, Fluids, and Ore Deposits: A Structural Primer
2020 |
Massimo Chiaradia |
- Controls on the Formation of Porphyry Copper and Gold Deposits
- Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Magmas Associated with Porphyry Deposits
- Geochronology of Porphyry Deposits
2019 |
Sarah Gleeson |
- Diagenesis, Sulfur, and Giant Zn Deposits.
- Pyrite as Ore and Gangue in Hydrothermal Systems: Potential and Pitfalls.
2018 |
John H. Dilles |
- Tops and Bottoms of Porphyry Copper Deposits Revisited: From Source Magmas to the Lithocap Alteration Zones.
- Magmatic Processes that Produce Porphyry Copper Deposits: From Batholith Formation to Anhydrite, Apatite, and Zircon Mineralogy.
- Using the Zonation of Trace Metal Geochemistry and Hydrothermal Mineralogy for Porphyry Copper Mineral Exploration.
- Structural Geology of Porphyry Copper Deposits from Regional Tectonic Setting to Vein Formation.
2017 |
Dan Wood |
- Discovery of the Kencana Au-Ag Orebody at Gosowong, Indonesia
- Theme: What is Mineral Exploration?
- Exploring for Ore—Why We Get Paid
- Present Exploration—How We Have Explored
- Future Exploration—How We Will Need to Explore
2016 |
Jeremy P. Richards |
- Tectonomagmatic controls on arc metallogeny.
- Porphyry and epithermal ore formation in post-subduction tectonic settings.
- Links between porphyry and IOCG deposits.
- Neotethyan metallogeny from the Carpathians to the Himalayas.
- Writing scientific papers (a talk directed mainly at graduate students, covering ethics as well as content).
2015 |
Karen D. Kelley |
- The giant concealed pebble Cu-Au-Mo porphyry deposit, southwest Alaska: Evolution and exploration implications.
- Stratiform sediment-hosted Zn-Pb-Ag deposits in the northern Cordilleran region, North America with emphasis on Red Dog, Alaska, USA, and Howards Pass deposits, Yukon and Northwest Territories, Canada.
2014 |
Neil Williams |
- Deep mineral exploration—the next economic geology frontier.
- Geological surveys—an Australian perspective on their important role in mineral exploration.
- The giant Carpentarian lead-zinc province of northern Australia—what have we learnt over the last 40 years?
2013 |
José Perelló |
- Anatomy and evolution of contiguous porphyry Cu-Mo and Cu-Au mineralization at Los Pelambres, Chile.
- Principal copper belts of the American Cordillera from Alaska to Chile.
- Andean copper-gold metallogeny.
2012 |
Paul G. Spry |
- The connection between Au and Te in hydrothermal gold telluride deposits.
- The utilization of mineralogical anomalies in the exploration for metamorphosed massive sulfide deposits.
- Broken Hill-type Pb-Zn-Ag deposits: Genesis and classification.
2011 |
Glenton J. Masterman |
- Porphyry-epithermal transition in the Collahuasi district, Chile: Structural superposition of high-sulfidation epithermal mineralization into the porphyry environment.
- Exploration target models: incorporating science, strategy, and economics as ingredients for discovery success.
- Careers in exploration.
2010 |
Michel Cuney |
- A genetic classification of uranium deposits.
- Evolution of uranium fractionation processes through time, driving the secular variation of uranium deposit types.
- What are the parameters controlling the formation of high-grade uranium deposits? The example of unconformity related deposits of Saskatchewan.
- Uranium fractionation during magmatic processes and “fertility” of igneous rocks as a uranium source for ore deposits.
2009 |
Richard Tosdal |
- Tectonic Transitions in the Porphyry-Epithermal Environment.
- Footprints of Carbonate Rock-Hosted Polymetallic Deposits in Central Peru.
- Building the Geologic Environment of Carlin-type Au Deposits in Northern Nevada.
- Managing Expectations in Industry-University Research Collaborations.
2008 |
Noel C. White |
- Working in Exploration, past, present and future (general interest)
- Ore deposit models and their use in exploration (technical)
- Understanding Exploration and Mining: Who does it, why they do it, and how they do it.
- What knowledge is needed to be a good geologist and explorer?
2007 |
Jamie Wilkinson |
- Intracratonic hydrothermal flow systems and the genesis of sediment-hosted Zn-Pb ore deposits
- Metal sources and sinks: searching for the key ingredients to make hydrothermal ore deposits
- The potential of Zn, Cu and Fe isotopes in the science and exploration of ore deposits
- Determining ore fluid chemistry using laser ablation ICPMS analysis of fluid inclusions
2005-2006 |
A. James Macdonald |
2004-2005 |
David R. Cooke |
- Breccias in epithermal and porphyry deposits: the birth and death of magmatic-hydrothermal systems
- The giant stratiform sediment-hosted Zn-Pb-Ag deposits of Northern Australia
- Porphyry copper-gold deposits: characteristics, genesis and on-going controversies
- El Teniente porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit, Chile: formation of the world's llargest porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit in an active continental margin
2003-2004 |
Francois Robert |
- Gold-quartz vein field of the Val d'Or district of Abitibi: A type example of a synorogenic system
Giant gold deposits of the Abitibi greenstone belt and related models
A comparison of gold deposits in the Abitibi, Canada, and Eastern Goldfields, Australia, Archean greenstone terranes
Geology and setting of gold deposits of the north Carlin trend, Nevada
2002-2003 |
Richard Goldfarb |
- Lode gold deposits through earth history—patterns in space and time
- The tectonic evolution of Alaska and controls on regional metallogenesis
- Gold deposits of China—Precambrian cratons and Phanerozoic orogens
- Orogenic vs. intrusion-related gold deposits—similarities and differences
- Geo-environmental aspects of Alaska gold deposits
2001-2002 |
Antonio Arribas R. |
- From volcanoes and geothermal systems to world-class precious metals deposits
- Exploration for epithermal deposits
- Case studies of epithermal and porphyry mineralization
2001-2002 |
J. Richard Kyle |
- The economic geology of microbes: relation between mineral resources and bacterial processes
- The rise and fall of an industrial minerals giant: a century of fire and brimstone
- The giant Pliocene porphyry-skarn copper-gold deposits, Ertsberg District, Indonesia: exploration, production and research in a challenging environment
2000-2001 |
Graham Farquharson |
- Reflections of the Bre-X Saga
- Pioneering mining in the arctic
2000-2001 |
William X. Chavez, Jr. |
- Mineral resources and mining: supply, demand and the environment
- Supergene oxidation of copper deposits: the zoning of copper oxide minerals and applications to minerals exploration
1999-2000 |
Murray W. Hitzman |
- The Zambian Copper Belt—a new look at a classic world-class district
- Geology and genesis of the Irish Zn-Pb orefield
- Olympic Dam-type iron oxide Cu-Au-U deposits
1999-2000 |
John F.H. Thompson |
- Research and mineral exploration
- Cordilleran metallogeny of Western Canada
- Intrusion-related mineral deposits; tectonics, magmas and fluids
1998-1999 |
Michael J. Knuckey |
- World-wide exploration, can we afford it?
- Exploration—Strategic Planning
- Economic implications of world-wide exploration
1998-1999 |
C. Michael Lesher |
- Physical volcanology, geochemistry and petrogenesis of komatiitic basalt lava channels and channelized sheet flows in the Cape Smith Belt, New Quebec
- Genesis of magmatic Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulphide deposits
1997-1998 |
Hugo T. Dummett |
- Discovery of the Northwest Territories, Canada, diamond-bearing kimberlite province and implications for future discoveries
- Hydrothermal brecciation in porphyry copper deposits, an essential component of main stage mineralization
1997-1998 |
Jeffrey W. Hedenquist |
- Volcanoes, geothermal systems, and hydrothermal ore deposits: an intimate relationship
- Evolution of intrusion-centered hydrothermal systems: coupling of porphyry and epithermal ore environments
- Exploration for epithermal gold deposits in the Circum-Pacific region
1996-1997 |
Richard W. Henley |
- Exploration in a chaotic world
1996-1997 |
Lawrence D. Meinert |
- Exploration geology on the frontier—the search for gold in exotic places
- Hydrothermal fluid flow and mineral zonation in skarns associated with magmatic systems
1995-1996 |
Robert J. Bodnar |
- Volatile evolution and the source and distribution of metals in porphyry copper systems
- Fluid inclusion techniques in the exploration for mineral and hydrocarbon deposits
1995-1996 |
Odin Christensen |
- Sedimentary rock-hosted gold deposits of the Carlin Trend, Nevada
- Gold deposits in sedimentary rocks
- Mining geology today: applying geologic knowledge for resource stewardship and environmental protection
- What makes a successful explorer
1994-1995 |
Bruce A. Bouley |
- Metamorphic core complexes, detachment faults, extensional tectonics, and gold mineralization—progression of a paradigm
- Calc-alkalic (Shoshonitic) lamprophyres and gold: the Mt. Estelle connection
- Geology and exploration at the Pebble porphyry copper-gold deposits, Alaska
1994-1995 |
Stephen E. Kesler |
- Origin of Appalachian Mississippi Valley-type deposits
- What can we learn from fluid inclusion gas chemistry
- Application of oxygen isotope geochemistry in mineral exploration
- Metallogenesis of Middle America and the Caribbean
1993-1994 |
Alex C. Brown |
- Genesis of stratiform copper deposits
- Genesis of Abitibi gold deposits
- Genesis of volcanogenic massive deposits
- Moroccan base metal deposits
1993-1994 |
Kenneth F. Clark |
- Metallogenetic provinces and epochs of Mexico
- Gold and silver deposits in Mexico
1992-1993 |
Gilles O. Allard |
- Mineralogical anomalies - exploration targets for metamorphosed ore deposits
- The Dore Lake Complex, Quebec; a metamorphosed Archean layered igneous complex
- The tectonic and metallogenetic evolution of the Chibougamau Mining District, Quebec
- The exploration potential of the Carolina Terrane (Slate Belt and Charlotte Belt) of Georgia
1992-1993 |
Richard E. Beane |
- Fluid inclusions: a record of ancient geologic environments
- Hydrothermal fluids associated with shallow intrusions: what were they like and where did they come from?
- Interpreting hydrothermal processes in high-level gold systems
1991-1992 |
Donald E. Ranta |
- New gold mines of the Western United States
- Geologic evaluation of ore deposits—from discovery to production
1991-1992 |
William H. Spence |
- Continental tectonics, intraplate earthquakes, and metallogenic provinces—a hypothesis
- Gold deposits of the Southern Appalachians
1990-1991 |
James M. Franklin |
- Volcanic massive sulfide deposits, ancient and modern
- Geochemical and isotope studies of sulfides and alteration—Pipes associated with modern and ancient massive sulfide deposits
1990-1991 |
Peter G. Vikre |
- Trends in the gold mining industry in Nevada
- Precious metal deposits in the Great Basin
- Mineral exploration and geology
1989-1990 |
William E. Seyfried |
- Experimental and theoretical constraints on hydrothermal alteration processes at mid-ocean ridges
- Geochemical processes affecting base metal mobility in submarine hydrothermal systems
1989-1990 |
William C. Shanks III |
- Geology and geochemistry of hydrothermal vent fluids, sediment alteration, and massive sulfide deposits in the Escanaba trough, Gorda Ridge, Northeast Pacific
- Geochemical reaction modeling of fluid mixing, water-rock interaction, and stable isotope evolution in submarine hydrothermal systems
1988-1989 |
Richard W. Hutchinson |
- Re-evaluation of gold source in Witwatersrand ores metallogency of Precambrian gold deposits: space and time relationships
- Regional metallogency in the Northwestern U.S. and its significance in ore deposits geology
- Mineral deposits as guides to supracrustal evolution
1988-1989 |
Richard H. Sillitoe |
- Ores in volcanoes
- Gold deposits in Western Pacific Island arcs
1987-1988 |
Robert E. Folinsbee |
- Mineral exploration and exploitation into the 21st Century
- Zipf's Law and the log normal size distribution of ore deposits
- The USSR as a mining colossus
- Mineral exploration and exploitation in Australia: 1968, Before and After
1987-1988 |
Ernest L. Ohle |
- The genesis of Mississippi Valley-Type lead-zinc deposits; how strong is the evidence
- Professional ethics for geologists
- The history of ore discovery in the world's largest lead district, southeast Missouri
1986-1987 |
William S. Fyfe |
- Plate tectonics and resources
- Organisms and mineral deposits
- Formation of gold deposits
1986-1987 |
Frederick J. Sawkins |
- Ore generating systems through geologic time: uniformitarian and non-uniformitarian aspects
- Depositional controls and metal sources for epithermal precious metal deposits: A view from Mexico
1985-1986 |
Allan V. Heyl |
- Little known types of ore deposits found in recent years including invisible or new types of deposits
- Geologic characteristics of three major Mississippi Valley Districts
- Types of massive sulfide deposits from Kuroko, Rammelsberg, Falun to Balmat
- The Rio Grande trough or rift and some related ore deposits
- Summary of major deposits of the Appalachian fold, thrust, and Piedmont Belts of the Eastern U.S. and Canada
1985-1986 |
Spencer R. Titley |
- The types and styles of mineralization of the Pacific Ocean perimeter
- The nature of intrusion-centered ore systems
- The interplay of process and environment in ore formation
1984-1985 |
Steven D. Scott |
- Polymetallic sulfide deposits of the modern Pacific Ocean and their ancient analogues
- Lithogeochemical and mineralogical haloes as exploration guides for volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits
- Sulfide and sulfide-silicate equilibria in hydrothermal and metamorphic environments: experiments and applications
1984-1985 |
Paul K. Sims |
- Geology and metallogency of Archean and Proterozoic terranes in the Great Lakes Region
- Tectono-stratigraphic environments of depositiojn of Archean and Proterozoic iron formations - with emphasis on Lake Superior Region
1983-1984 |
Leo Miller |
- Distribution of ore deposits and their environments through geologic time
- Massive sulfide deposits within volcanic arcs
- Deep drilling for ore fluids within modern volcanic arcs
- Sulphur ore controls within evaporite basins
1983-1984 |
Brian J. Skinner |
- The tenuous resource base
- The evolution of mineral deposits through time
- Submarine ore-depositing processes in the modern ocean
1982-1983 |
C. Wayne Burnham |
- Magmas and hydrothermal fluids
- Processes of hydrous magma generation
- Evolution of hydrothermal fluids from magmas
- Hydrothermal mineralization and alteration by magmatically- derived fluids
1982-1983 |
Marco T. Einaudi |
- The geologic environment and compositions of skarn deposits: implications for mineral exploration
- Geology and exploration at Anaconda's Carr Fork Property, Bingham Canyon Mining District, Utah
- The Yerington Mining District, Nevada: A 5km vertical section through porphyry copper and related deposits
1981-1982 |
Heinrich D. Holland |
- Hydrothermal vents on the East Pacific Rise at 21"
- Metals in black shales
- Marine evaporites and the history of sea water
1981-1982 |
Donald F. Sangster |
- Sandstone-hosted lead deposits: a review of their geology and genesis
- Physical parameters of ore fluids and depositional environments -Controlling formative sites of submarine exhalative deposits in volcanic and sedimentary terranes
1980-1981 |
H.L. Barnes |
- Clues to ore genesis from modern geothermal systems
- Mineral solubilities and ore formation
- Mississippi Valley-type deposits - a genetic model
1980-1981 |
Stanley H. Ward |
- The search for hydrothermal systems
- Geophysics and ore deposits
1979-1980 |
Robert O. Fournier |
- Hydrothermal systems in the shallow magmatic environment
- Estimation of underground temperatures in active hydrothermal systems
- The active hydrothermal system at Yellowstone National Park
1979-1980 |
John P. Hunt |
- Geology of porphyry copper
- Geology as applied to mining
- Geology and exploration
- Mineral resources and political power
1978-1979 |
Samuel S. Adams |
- Aspects of the geology of the Jackpile-Paguate uranium deposits, New Mexico
- Uranium geology, exploration, reserves and resource assessment
- Ore deposits, exploration and curricula
1978-1979 |
Allan F. Agnew |
- Illusions - the Congressional process and geologists
- Risks - the geologist and public policy
1977-1978 |
A.M. Goodwin |
- Precambrian metallogenesis and tectonism
- Archean metallogenesis in the Superior Geotraverse Project, Canadian Shield
1977-1978 |
J. David Lowell |
- Mineral Exploration: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
1976-1977 |
Eugene N. Cameron |
- A Mineral Policy for the United States
- The Bushveld Complex - evolution of a treasure house
1976-1977 |
A. J. Naldrett |
- Recent ideas with respect to genesis of nickel sulfide deposits
- Ultramafic Volcanism - morphology, magma chemistry, and magma genesis
- Sudbury - impact, eruption and mineralization
1975-1976 |
Paul B. Barton, Jr. |
- No specific title available
1975-1976 |
William C. Kelly |
- The tin-tungsten deposits of Panasqueira, Portugal
- Deformational features in the common ore sulfides
- Geological applications of fluid inclusions
1974-1975 |
Konrad B. Krauskopf |
- Ore deposits and igneous processes
- Tungsten: Geochemical behavior and ore deposits
1974-1975 |
Walter S. White |
- The native copper and copper-shale deposits of Northern Michigan
- The regional geology of the Keweenawan Copper Province, Lake Superior Region
1973-1974 |
Donald Everhart |
- Geologic controls and genesis of phosphate and potash deposits
1973-1974 |
Lewis Gustafson |
- Evolution of porphyry copper mineralization at El Salvador, Chile
1973-1974 |
Ulrich Petersen |
- Metallogenic provinces of South America
1972-1973 |
Charles Meyer |
- Evolution of ore-forming processes through geologic time
1972-1973 |
Donald E. White |
- Hydrothermal fluids of diverse origin
- Geothermal energy - principles and potential
1972 |
James A. Noble |
- Metallogenic provinces and metal ore finding in the Western U.S.
1972 |
H.D.B. Wilson |
- The significance of copper lead belts - Ore deposits of Archean shields