Regional Vice President Lecturer
One or more Regional Vice President Lecturers shall be selected annually on the basis of widely recognized expertise in a field of economic geology. Lecturers shall give a series of lectures within the Society Regions in which the lecturers reside, and the lectureships shall alternate among the various Regions.
Juan Carlos Castelli
SEG Professional Member
Talk Titles
- Deep-Seated Structures and Intrusive Centers
- Intrusive Centers and Mineralized Systems
- PCD Exploration Potential in Peru and Chile
Juan Carlos Castelli (M.Sc., University de Rennes, France, 2000) has almost 40 years' experience on multiscale field geology, having worked for more than 40 mining and exploration companies in 10 countries in a variety of metallic ore environments. He started his career as a production geologist (1987–1989) in a medium-size epithermal gold deposit (EBP) in Chile, which taught him that mining is a business. He then worked in the oil industry (ENAP) as exploration geologist (1990–1994) learning the importance of large-scale geology and geophysics. This background served him well as preparation to work 10 years as mineral exploration geologist for the most important copper-molybdenum producing company in Chile (CODELCO) in Chile, Argentina, and Mexico (1995–2005).
In 2005 he was hired as a consultant by the international company Geovectra (Chile). For this company he provides worldwide exploration services to the mining industry, mainly in producing strategic geologic maps and interpretive sections to solve problems in real time and training personnel in the use of GVMapper software. The maps and sections produced have been from regional-scale (1:100,000 to 1:25,000) to detailed district maps (1:20,000 to 10,000) to detailed deposit-scale maps (1:1,000). Having to come up with the best possible interpretation of the geology of greenfield and brownfield prospects or active deposits is the most worthwhile training. Through this activity he has developed an unusual familiarity with a variety of mineral systems, such as porphyry copper molybdenum (PCD), epithermal high-sulfidation and low-sulfidation (HS and LS) gold and copper-silver deposits in Chile, Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Republica Dominicana, and Mexico. Since 2012 he works as an independent consultant exploration geologist involving mainly PCD, epithermal HS/LS and also Cu-Ag, iron oxide copper-gold, iron oxide-apatite in Chile, Argentina, Peru, Australia, Mexico, USA, and Canada. Juan Carlos is coauthor in 12 publications but the most important is the most complete 1,400-page treatise on the geology and history of mineral deposits of Chile (Camus and Castelli, 2020, Origo Publications Chile,, in which they emphasize the importance for ore systems of regional structures that are orders of magnitude larger than individual ore deposits.