of the Quadrilátero Ferrifero (São Francisco craton) and Brasilia Belt (Paracatu and Vazante districts), Brazil
Code: SFT-2024
Date: June 1-9, 2024
Location: Brazil
Application Deadline: January 22, 2024
Selected Participant Notification: TBD
Participant Capacity: 15-20
SFT 2024 will be the 22nd in the continuing series of SEG Foundation (SEGF)-sponsored student field trips and marks the 18th anniversary of the program.
The SEGF Ronald E. Seavoy SFT 2024, to be held in the southeast Brazil state of Minas Gerais, is now well on track with visits planned to ore deposits of the Iron Quadrangle in southern São Francisco craton and in the orogenic Brasilia Belt. Lydia Lobato, economic geology Professor at the University of Minas Gerais, will present, on the first day, an overview on the gold and iron deposits of the Iron Quadrangle. Gustavo Melo, economic geology lecturer at Federal University of Ouro Preto, will be the main guide in the Iron Quadrangle where deposits on the itinerary will include economically important Neoarchean greenstone belt – hosted orogenic gold orebodies such as Cuiabá, Córrego do Sítio and Turmalina mines, as well as some massive iron deposits. In the Brasilia Belt, the field trip will expose students to the Paracatu district, host to (1) the Morro do Ouro very low-grade (0.42 g/t Au), bulk-tonnage deposit hosted in ~1000 Ma intensely sheared and boudinaged black shales which underwent thrust deformation during the ~680 Ma Brasiliano orogeny; and (2) the Vazante Meso/Neoproterozoic carbonate-hosted, silicate zinc mine and several Zn – Pb sulfide prospects.
Overviews of regional geological and tectonic contexts will be provided through lectures and regional traverses. At the deposit scale, ore controls, alteration, and mineralization paragenesis will be discussed. Arrangements are underway at the mines to cover grade control, ore and resource estimation, and how these feed into and interact with the other mining disciplines such as selection of mining methods, geotechnical modelling, metallurgical processing and mine planning. Emphasis will be placed on how these impact the financial health of the enterprises.
Trip Leaders
Francisco de Azevedo, Jr.
Turmalina Metals
SEG Fellow since 1996
Roberto Xavier
Agency for the Development and Innovation of the Brazilian Mineral Sector (ADIMB)
SEG Fellow since 2012
Questions and general inquiries should be directed to SEG Student Services at students@segweb.org.
Application Deadline: January 22, 2024
Selected Participant Notification: TBD