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Thursday, May 6, 2021 5:00pm MDT (UTC-6) Early Career Series Webinar
Mentorship is a critical piece of career development for professionals in all stages but is particularly important for students and early career professionals. This online event will introduce the SEG Mentoring Program and provide a fantastic opportunity to hear from established geoscientists who have utilized mentorship as building blocks for their careers.
Attendees will observe why mentorship is important, how they can benefit and contribute to it during their own paths, and how new initiatives make this benefit more widely accessible to SEG members globally.
This event will include successful mentor-mentee pairs from the industry and academia who will discuss their experiences with mentoring and how these interactions have guided decision making in their careers. The webinar will also discuss results of a survey conducted with student members in early 2021 and the current efforts to improve the future of mentorship within the Society. After all, today's mentees are tomorrow's mentors!
Universidad de Concepción, Chile